
Panopto can be used for screen recording via the browser-based Panopto Capture, or offline using the Panopto desktop app.

The desktop app is hosted on the Falmouth University Self Service portal, or available to download directly from the Panopto homepage.

Once downloaded the desktop app can record directly to your Panopto My Folder (or other folders) or be used offline to save screen recordings to your desktop.


Downloading the Panopto desktop app

University computers

The Panopto desktop app is hosted on the Self Service Portal. For university computers, you can open the Self Service portal and install it directly to your computer.

  • On Macs you can search for the Self Service app on your computer by pressing Command + space bar
  • On Windows computers you can search by pressing Windows key + S

This should bypass the need to ask FXPlus IT for admin access to your computer to allow Panopto to use the mic and record your screen.

Note: If you are asked to log in with an admin password, you can email the IT helpdesk at servicedesk@falmouth.ac.uk and request 24 hours of admin access for your computer to make these changes.

Non-University computers

For non-university computers (where the Self Service portal is unavailable) you can download the Panopto desktop app directly from the Falmouth Panopto homepage.

Simply click on + Create in the top left corner and select Panopto for Mac or Panopto for Windows. Now follow thhe instructions to download and install the app.

For in-depth guidance, please refer to the Panopto Support pages:

How to download and install Panopto for Mac

How to download and install Panopto for Windows

Configuring the Panopto desktop app

The desktop app can be configured to record directly to your Panopto My Folder (or other folders) or be used offline to save screen recordings to your desktop.

Auto-configure the desktop app using the Panopto homepage

The first time you use the app, you can configure it automatically by launching it from the Falmouth Panopto homepage. Simply click on + Create in the top left corner and select Panopto for Mac or Panopto for Windows. The app should open on your desktop and you will already be signed in.

Configure the desktop app manually or offline

If you opt to open the Panopto desktop application directly, it is possible to use it offline without logging in. However if you want to upload files directly to Panopto you'll need to log in and link it to the Falmouth University Panopto site. 

  1. Select the Sign In button from the upper right corner of the application. A pop-up window will appear
  2. You may need to + Add Site to configure the Falmouth Panopto site. The address you need to enter is https://falmouth.cloud.panopto.eu/
  3. Then click Sign in

Using the Panopto desktop app

The Panopto desktop app is a powerful tool which can be used to record directly to your Panopto My Folder (or other folders) or be used offline to save screen recordings to your desktop. It can record multiple sources (eg multiple cameras/screens/audio devices) at once, and save these as alternate 'streams' which can be toggled between by the user.

Panopto have produced some really good guidance on using the desktop app on the Panopto support pages:

How to record with Panopto for Mac

How to record with Panopto for Windows

Further support

For further support, or to report any issues with this guide, please get in touch with the Digital Learning Team via dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk. Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on our Knowledge Base

View the Accessibility Statement for all of our support guides.