Panopto is Falmouth University's video hosting platform that can be used by staff and students to store and share video and audio content for learning and teaching, and assessment.

The steps in this guide show you how to upload video files to Panopto, change sharing permissions to allow access to your tutors and how to then copy/paste the resulting video link into a Word document to submit.  

Note iconNote: If you have recorded your video using Panopto, follow guidance from Step 2.


Step 1 - Upload video/audio file(s) to Panopto

  1. Go to 
  2. Login with your university username and password
  3. Click My Folder in the left menu
    My Folder is your personal area in Panopto where you upload to and share content from

  4. Click + Create button (top left) and select Upload media from the dropdown menu

  5. Click into the Choose video or audio files area, select the video you want to upload from your computer and click Open 

Note iconNote: A bar will display to show upload progress. When upload is complete, a message will display to say that you can close the Window. Panopto will then process the video/audio file, so it won’t be available immediately.

Step 2 - Set sharing permissions

  1. Hover over your video and click the Share icon
    Default share settings are ’only specific people and groups’
  2. Click Change and select Your organization (unlisted)

  3. After you’ve changed the share settings, click the Copy Link button to copy the video link to your clipboard

Step 3 - Submitting your Panopto video link for assessment

  1. Open a Word document
  2. Add some text to explain what the video is
  3. Paste in the video link

This can be repeated for multiple video and/or audio files

  1. Save the Word document with the file name you want to submit
  2. Navigate to your module
  3. Click the correct assessment link 
  4. Submit the Word document as if it were an essay 

Note iconNote: Some modules might require you to use a bespoke Word template or submit work as a PDF file, so make sure you have read any relevant guidance in your module area.

Further support

For further support on Panopto, or to report any issues with this guide, please get in touch with the Digital Learning Team via Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on our Knowledge Base

View the Accessibility Statement for all of our support guides.