
Editing videos that you’ve recorded with or uploaded to Panopto is a simple process. The editor allows you to trim the start and end of videos and edit out other parts within the timeline. Editing is also nondestructive so you can add content back in if you need to.


Open a video in the editor

  1. Login to Panopto 
  2. Open your My Folder 
  3. Hover over the video you want to edit 
  4. Click the Edit button to open your video in the Panopto Editor

Note iconNote: You can change the title of your video in the editor from the default date/time of recording by clicking into the title bar, updating the text and pressing enter

The video timeline is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and you’ll see a red playhead line that moves along the timeline as you play your video.

Trim the start of a video

  1. Play the video from the beginning and pause at the point you want it to start from
  2. Hover your mouse over the beginning of the video
  3. Click and drag the thin black bar that appears up to the red playhead line.

    The area you have dragged over has now been trimmed and will appear greyed out from the beginning of the timeline up to the red playhead line.
  4. To check what you have trimmed, click into the beginning of the timeline to move the red playhead line, click the Preview cuts in playback checkbox and play the video.

    If you have trimmed too much (or not enough), hover over the black line at the end of the trimmed area and drag left or right to adjust it, then play again to check it.

  5. When you are happy with the edit you have made, click the Apply button (top right).

To trim the end of a video

  1. Click on the timeline towards the end of your video
  2. Play the video and pause at the point you want to delete from 

  3. Hover over the red playhead, then click and drag the thin black bar that appears to the end of the timeline

  4. To check what you have trimmed, click into the timeline near to the trimmed area, click the Preview cuts in playback checkbox and play the video.

If you have trimmed too much or not enough, hover over the black line at the beginning of the trimmed area and drag left or right to adjust it, then play again to check it. 

5. When you are happy with the edit you have made, click the Apply button (top right).

Edit out other parts of a video

You can also edit out other parts of your video by clicking at the point in the timeline you want to cut and dragging to the point you want the video to resume from.

This is a little trickier but there are a couple of things you can do to improve accuracy.

Note iconTip: If it is difficult to pause at the precise point, click the slider or + button (bottom right, above timeline) to zoom in.

  1. Play the video and pause at the point you want to delete from.
  2. Hover your mouse over the red playhead line and note down the time that displays (e.g. 1:08:52 in this example)
  3. Click further along the timeline and play until you have reached the point that you want to delete to.
  4. Then click the red playhead line and drag back slowly until you have reached as close to the time on the timeline that you noted down.

  5. To check what you have edited out, click into the timeline near to the start of the greyed out area, click the Preview cuts in playback checkbox and play the video.

    If you have trimmed too much or too little from either end of the edit, hover over the black line at the beginning or end of the trimmed area and drag left or right to adjust it, then play again to check.

  6. When you are happy with the edit you have made, click the Apply button (top right).

Undo, redo and revert options

When you make an edit in Panopto, the Undo button (toolbar at top of screen) becomes enabled and can be clicked to undo the edit you have made.

When you Undo an edit, the Redo button becomes enabled and can be clicked to redo the edit.

If you have made several edits and decide that you don’t want to keep them, click the Revert button to remove all edits and revert back to the videos original state when you first opened the editor.

Add deleted content back in

Editing in Panopto is non destructive which allows you to add back in any content that you have removed from your video and applied changes to.

To add content back in, left click in the timeline at the start of the greyed out content that you want to add back in and drag to the end of it.

  • Timeline with content edited out:

  • Timeline with content added back in:

Question mark iconFurther support 

For further support on Panopto, or to report any issues with this guide, please get in touch with the Digital Learning Team via dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk. Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on our Knowledge Base

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