
Panopto provides a selection of functions and features that can be used to optimise the user experience when watching a video. This guide shows you the options available and how to access them in the Panopto Player and Panopto Viewer. 


Panopto Player options

Panopto videos embedded into module pages open by default in the Panopto Player. The Player displays four options (bottom right) that allow you to:

  • Watch in Panopto Viewer  
  • Turn on/off closed captions 
  • Change speed and quality settings 
  • Enter full screen

You can also access Advanced player controls by clicking the arrow icon at the bottom of the player.

Advanced player controls include:

  • Discussions
  • Notes
  • Search
  • Download transcript

These tools and features are also available in the Panopto viewer and although access to them is different in the viewer, you can find out more about them in the next section.

Panopto Viewer options

The Panopto Viewer provides access to various functions and features including a search function, notes page and an option to download captions.


The search bar is located at the top of the left menu.

When you enter a word or phrase into the search bar, Panopto searches through the video and displays a list of all written and spoken instances of your search term.  

Results include an icon to indicate whether the term is written or spoken and a timestamp to show where in the video it is located.  

In the example below, the word ‘folder’ has been entered:

You can then click results in the list, and Panopto will jump to that point of the video timeline and play.


The Contents section displays the table of contents entries, which include timestamps. As with search results, when you click an entry Panopto will jump to that point of the video timeline and play.


The Captions option in the left menu displays all captions from start to end of the video (transcript style) with timestamps next to each. When you click an entry, Panopto will immediately jump to that point of the timeline.


Transcripts are generated for videos that have been recorded with or uploaded to Panopto and can be downloaded.

Panopto viewer - Download video transcript:

  1. Open the video 
  2. Click Captions (left menu)
  3. Then click the Download transcript arrow button (captions pane, top right)

Panopto player - Download video transcript:

  1. Click the arrow icon at the bottom of the player to expand the advanced player controls
  2. Click the 3-dot icon (top right) and select 'Download transcript'.

Note iconNote: Transcripts are downloaded as text files and do not include timestamps.


The Discussions section allows anyone viewing the video to start a discussion and reply to any Public comments. The default setting for Discussions is Private comment to moderators which means that only tutors and administrators will be able to see what you have posted, but this can be changed to Public if you want to share a discussion post with everyone else that has access to the video.

To start a Private discussion: 

  1. Click Discussions (left menu) 
  2. Write a comment in the textbox and click the ‘send’ icon or press Enter on your keyboard.

To start a Public discussion:

  1. Click Discussions (left menu) 
  2. Write a comment in the textbox
  3. Click the ‘Eye’ icon at the bottom of the message box and select 'Public comment for everyone'
  4. Then click the send icon or press Enter on your keyboard.

Note iconNote: Depending on Discussions settings in individual videos, Public posts may need to be approved by a moderator before being shared with other viewers. 

Each discussion post includes a timestamp to show which part of the video it relates to, how long ago it was posted and a reply option.

If you want to edit or delete a discussion post that you have added, hover over the post and select the relevant option. 

You can also change the visibility settings of a discussion post after you have posted it, by clicking the 'Eye' icon next to your post to toggle between Public and Private.


The Notes section allows you to add notes as you play through a video and is useful to use for session revision.  Notes are timestamped when you add them so are linked to the point in the session that you’re watching and can be clicked to take you back to that part of the recording.   

By default, notes under your username will be private and visible only to you.  

Exclamation mark iconImportant: If you do want to make your notes public, there is a Make Public link at the top of the notes panel. Making your notes public will make all notes you’ve added privately visible to everyone else.

To add a note:

  1. Click Discussions (left menu)  
  2. Type your note into the textbox  
  3. Press enter on your keyboard

Notes can also be downloaded in a text file by clicking the down arrow (notes panel top right)   

To edit or delete a note, click the 3-dot icon and select the relevant option. 


Panopto bookmarks can be used to create a list of the parts of recordings that you want to refer back to later.

To add a Bookmark: 

  1. Click Bookmarks (left menu) 
  2. Play the video  
  3. Then at points in the video that you want to add a bookmark to, type in a bookmark name or a few words 
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard

Bookmarks are timestamped when you add them so are linked to the point in the session that you’re watching and can be clicked to take you back to that part of the recording. 

To edit or delete a Bookmark, click the 3-dot icon and select the relevant option.

Question mark iconFurther support 

For further support on Panopto, or to report any issues with this guide, please get in touch with the Digital Learning Team via dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk. Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on our Knowledge Base

View the Accessibility Statement for all of our support guides.