Similar to Word and PDF documents, Powerpoint files should be uploaded to the Learning Space with no issues as it should be rare for these files to exceed the 1GB upload limit. However if your Powerpoint document is large - that's probably due to a heavy use of images and styling.
- Before you proceed with any of these suggestions, be sure to keep a back up of your work as the quality of images could potentially be lost permanently.
- It can be tempting to use 3rd party software that compress files for you - but beware that many of these sites could infect your device with a virus.
1. Compress images
Compressing images using Powerpoint in built tools can reduce the file size of the whole document significantly. You can access the menu in the picture above by selecting an image > select picture format in the top ribbon > compress pictures. From here you can choose the PPI of each image, the lower the PPI the lower the quality but file size too.
2. Remove editing history
Each time you make an edit to an image in the document, data about those changes are saved (this allows you to restore the image to previous versions of itself). In Word we can deactivate and delete this data. You achieve this by hitting file > options > advanced > Image Size & Quality. This feature is currently unavailable on a MAC.
3. Use A Modern File Format
You should ensure that you save your document in the most recent file type .pptx unless specified otherwise. Not only will this ensure that the majority of devices will be able to open the file, this file type is much more efficient at reducing the size of the document. It's also worth noting that .pptx ensures that the document is accessible to the widest range of users as they can avail of the built-in accessibility features.
4. Link to videos
Unless you are presenting a presentation there is no need to embed a video from a service such as Youtube or Vimeo, instead you should simply link to the video.
5. Is your theme too high-resolution?
How important is your slideshow theme to your presentation? By opting for a low-res template you can save valuable space.
6. Saving Files
If you intend to present your Powerpoint then it could be worthwhile saving your presentation as a PDF and then use the PDF compression guidelines to reduce the file size further. You can also have more than one slide per page in a PDF by selecting File > Print > Layout {Change To Handouts} > PDF Dropdown {Change To Save To PDF}
Important: If adding as a resource to Learning Space, we recommend uploading the original PowerPoint .pptx file. Although larger in size than a PDF, a .pptx file ensures that the document is accessible to the widest range of users enabling them to avail of PowerPoint's built-in accessibility features resulting in a better user experience.
7. Import Images (don't paste them)
When adding an image into Powerpoint ensure that you use the built in add image functionality. This imports the image as a different type of file and can save on space significantly.
Further Support
For further support on Learning Space, or to report any issues with this guide, please get in touch with the Digital Learning Team via dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk. Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on our Knowledge Base.
View the Accessibility Statement for all of our support guides.