
This article explains what a quiz activity is and how to use it.


What is a Quiz?

A Quiz is a method of testing a student's knowledge around a particular subject area. Quizzes are sometimes assessed so be sure to check your assessment briefings to ensure you complete everything that is expected of you. A Quiz can be identified by a pink icon with a white tick box.

Quiz icon in Learning Space

Completing a Quiz

To view the 'Quiz' click on the quiz title to the right-hand side of the 'Quiz' icon.

If you have not attempted the quiz before you will see the 'Attempt quiz now' button. If you have started the quiz you should see the 'Re-attempt quiz' button. Click either of these buttons to start the quiz.

Each Quiz is unique and can contain any number of questions and different types of questions including text input and multiple choice. For example, you may be presented with a simple checkbox question and must choose just one answer.

A question dialogue box in the Quiz Activity

Select your desired option to the question and click on the 'Finish Attempt' button to the bottom right. You will then be presented with the end of the Quiz 'Summary of attempt' window.

Here you can select 'Return to attempt' which will allow you to review your answers, or alternatively 'Submit all and finish' which will end the quiz attempt.

Submit all your answer and finish? quiz dialog box in Learning Space

Please note that some quizzes only allow you to attempt them once, so be sure to check that you are happy with your answers before submitting.

Upon submitting you are presented with the feedback window which you can use to review your grade and marks for individual questions.

Summary of previous attempts dialogue screen in the Quiz Activity

By clicking the 'Finish Review' button you are presented with the summary window. From there you can clearly see marks and achieved as well as your grade.

Reattempting a Quiz

Some quizzes are set up to allow you attempt them more than once. 

Firstly, to view the quiz, click on the quiz title on the right-hand side of the quiz icon. If you have completed the quiz already you should see the button that says 're-attempt quiz" - click that button if you wish re-attempt the quiz.

'Re-attempt' quiz button

Accessing Quiz feedback

You may want to access Quiz feedback at a later point, perhaps for revision purposes.

Firstly, to view the Quiz, click on the Quiz title on the right hand side of the Quiz icon. If you have completed the quiz already you should see the button that says 'Re-attempt quiz". If any feedback was provided in your quiz, click the 'Review' link to access this information.

Summary of previous attempts screen showing the 'Review' link for accessing feedback.

Question mark iconFurther Support

For general queries about the Learning Space, students should first contact their module leader or personal tutor. For any other comments or issues within this guide, please contact the Digital Learning Team via dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk. Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on our Knowledge Base

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