This page answers a number of frequently asked questions relating to aspects of Learning Space.
I can't find the link to make my submission.
Submission links are always in the Module area, in a section called Assessment. If the link is not there, contact spa@falmouth.ac.uk. I can't submit to a Turnitin link.
Answer 1: Do you have multiple documents? If so, you need to combine these documents into a single file which can then be uploaded.
Answer 2: Is the file type Microsoft Word or PDF? If not (e.g. it's Apple Pages or OpenOffice), then export it to PDF and submit the PDF.
I can't submit to an 'Assignment' (i.e. not Turnitin) link.
Answer 1: Are you trying to submit a very large file? The limit is 1GB. If the file you are trying to submit is a video file, you will likely need to re-encode the video to reduce the filesize.
Answer 2: Is your file big (e.g. over 200MB)? Upload speeds from home wifi are slow and the server may time out - come onto campus and upload from there.
Accessing Learning Space
I can't log in.
If you are presented with an error starting with 'Your session has most likely timed out. Please log in again', this is a known intermittent issue.
Try deleting the part of the URL that comes after https://learningspace.falmouth.ac.uk, leaving just https://learningspace.falmouth.ac.uk, and then hit enter. If there is still an error, repeat another 1 or 2 times. If this still fails to work, please contact the Digital Learning team by email at dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk.
I can't see the module areas I need.
Enrolment of students on module areas is automatic, based on the data held in the student record system (SITS). The first thing to check is that you are correctly listed in this system. If you have swapped courses, there can also be a delay in the SITS record being changed, which then impacts upon Learning Space being updated. For both of these situations, you should contact student.records@falmouth.ac.uk.
Another possible issue is that you are looking at 'past', 'future' or 'starred' modules. To see all modules and courses you are on, make sure that you have selected 'All' in the drop down menu.
Further Support
For general queries about the Learning Space, students should first contact their module leader or personal tutor. For any other comments or issues within this guide, please contact the Digital Learning Team via dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk. Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on our Knowledge Base.
View the Accessibility Statement for all of our support guides.