
ThingLink is a web application that allows you to create unique experiences with interactive images, videos and 360° media. You can easily create multiple 'hot spots' on specific parts of an image or video using 'tags'. A variety of media such as audio, video, external embeds and web links can be added to your ThingLink.


Using ThingLink as a teaching tool

Falmouth University has an institutional ThingLink account managed by Digital Learning. If you are interested in using ThingLink and you know how you want to use it, please follow these steps:

1. Contact Digital Learning (dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk) who can send an invite email, adding you to ThingLink and your departmental folder. They can also provide any guidance or advice about using the tool.

2. Follow the login link from the invite email. Press the 'CREATE' button at the top of the screen. You will see a list of different types of resources you can create (see screenshot below). Visit the ThingLink Learning Centre to find out more about each https://www.thinglink.com/learning-center

Creating a ThingLink

3. Choose the type of resource you'd like to create, then upload the image or video you want to turn into a ThingLink. Note: There are helpful tips and examples for the type of resource you have chosen available on the right of the media upload area.

4. Your image or video will now be uploaded and you can add tags to your media. There is no limit on the number of tags. To add an info panel as in the image below go to Settings>Info panel then add your text/links/maps.

4. There are 4 different options for your tags; 'Add text and media', 'Add text label', 'Add content from website' and 'Create Tour' and "Create Poll".

Media options

5. You have the option to change the icon which appears on the image and it's colour.

Changing the icons

6. Once you have finished tagging your image and are happy with all of the content click the 'Done' button.

Finishing tagging a ThingLink

7. Your ThingLink is automatically saved in your media area, which you can access by hitting the 'MEDIA' tab.

Access a ThingLink via 'MY MEDIA'

8. If you want to share your ThingLink with others in your department, move it to your departmental folder by:

1. Hovering over the resource and checking the blue check box underneath the preview image of it.

2. Selecting 'Move to folder'

3. Choosing the departmental folder from the pop-up list

Moving the department for a ThingLink

9. We recommend watching some tutorials ThingLink have created to make the most of the application.

Exclamation mark iconImportant: The ThingLink workspace is shared by all academic members so please do not edit or move anyone else's ThingLinks without their permission. 

Note: If necessary, a member of Digital Learning can meet with you to discuss how ThingLink can be used in your teaching. If you need further guidance, please email dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk

Privacy Settings and Embedding your ThingLink into Learning Space

Before embedding or sharing make sure the settings on your ThingLink are set to 'Unlisted'. We recommend this so that your ThingLink isn't publicly accessible and listed in ThingLinks database for others to clone and use. Within your ThingLink go to the "...">Privacy Settings>Unlisted

Embedding a ThingLink

There are two ways of getting the embed code:

1. If you have the ThingLink open then you have the option to click the 'SHARE' button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. (If you are in your Media section or in one of your folders that the ThingLink is available in, the Share option is also accessed by clicking on the three dots the ThingLink.)

Publishing a ThingLink

2. Both of the above methods will bring up a window for also the options of sharing you ThingLink' code - each of the options are explained in ThingLink | Publishing Content.

Methods for sharing a ThingLink

3. Get the embed code by selecting 'embed on website'

4. Copy the code. You can also select the option to provide your learners with a link to an web accessible version of your ThingLink. To find out more about the web accessibility player read please refer to the Accessibility Player article.

5. To embed your resource in the Learning Space we recommend embedding it in a new page activity on the Learning Space. Turn editing on, add activity or resource, choose 'Page'.

5. Once you have created the new Page activity and given it a title and description click on the content box and click the drop-down arrow in the editing window to get the HTML code view up.

Use the HTML code option in Learning Space

6. You can now paste the embed code into this window and click 'Save and display'. Your ThingLink will now be viewable on the Learning Space.

Adding the custom embed HTML code

Get a Shareable link to your ThingLink

If you don't want to embed the ThingLink in Learning Space you can invite students to view your ThingLink by using a shareable link. Refer to step 2 above - choose Direct Link option from the section above then copy and past the link code.

Why use ThingLink over Mural/Padlet?

The main difference between ThingLink and our other tools such as Mural and Padlet is that students cannot use ThingLink to collaborate with one another - they do not have access to creating or editing ThingLinks. Mural and Padlet serve as digital whiteboards/discussion boards which staff and students alike can post their ideas. Thinglinks are created by staff and shared with students to supplement their learning. However, there are instances where ThingLink offers unique opportunities for your learners:

Pros (why you may choose ThingLink):

  • ThingLink is great for creating interactive tours of spaces/equipment/processes.
  • You can create branching scenario style quizzes where students respond to a scenario and their answer effects the direction of the questioning. Students can learn more effectively from failure.
  • It supplements existing learning material - it can be used to add extra information to PDFS, images, documents. 
  • Can be used to organise large amounts of videos. Rather than a folder full of video links in Learning Space, you can embed links from Panopto into an image or infographic in ThingLink and embed this in Learning Space instead.

Cons (why you might choose Mural/Padlet/MS Forms):

  • ThingLink doesn't offer a space for students to share ideas with each other like with Mural and Padlet. It is not a digital whiteboard/forum.
  • Students access the ThingLinks anonymously so you cannot track their progress like with an MS Form or Padlet.
  • Staff have to create the ThingLinks - students don't have accounts so they cannot post content unlike with Mural/Padlet.
  • MS Forms do offer a way of creating branching scenarios and while it may not be as customisable as ThingLinks version, it is a lot easier to set up - how to set up branching scenarios in MS Forms and you can record individual's interactions if you require so.

Question mark iconFurther support 

For further support on Learning Space, or to report any issues with this guide, please get in touch with the Digital Learning Team via dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk. Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on the ThingLink YouTube channel 

View the Accessibility Statement for all of our support guides.