
This guide covers how to use the Assignment activity to upload your final module assessments. Submission links should be in a section of the module page called "Assessment". If you need help locating your submission link, please contact your module leader.


Video Guide

What is an assignment upload link?

A Learning Space assignment is an electronic submission method that is used for individuals to submit digital copies of their work. Assignment upload areas on Learning Space can be identified by the paper and pointing arrow icon.

Example submission link

Submission links for final assessment submissions follow a specific naming convention that includes the module code, and the type of assessment, it will also include the percent of the module's overall mark it is worth.

File requirements / limitations

Essays and dissertations 

The maximum file size will be 100MB, and the file type must be Microsoft Word or PDF. If you use Apple pages or Google docs, you must export to either Word or PDF before submitting. These types of links usually process submissions through Turnitin. 

Turnitin is a service that matches the contents of submitted assessments against a database of books, websites and journals. This check produces a similarity report which allows students to see how original their submission is against the Turnitin database. 

  • For more information about Turnitin and the similarity report, please visit Turnitin’s website
  • You can review the submission process for Turnitin with the Learning Space in this Turnitin guide.

Video or audio submissions 

If you need to submit video or audio files for assessment, you will probably be asked to use Panopto. There are various advantages of using Panopto over hosting your work as unlisted videos on Youtube or other platforms, or by sharing it from your OneDrive. Most importantly university staff will always be able to get access to your work which reduces the possibility of failing an assessment due to incorrectly set permissions.

You can view further information on video and audio submissions via the following guide: Submitting a video assessment using Panopto.

Other submissions 

It is likely the limit will be 1GB and any type of file will be accepted. However, you should make your file as small as possible before submitting or else it may prove impossible to upload from home. Well before your submission deadline you should learn how to compress the type of files your course requires, be that audio, video, photographs etc.


You cannot submit folders of files...but you can submit a zipped folder that includes any number of folders and files. Learn how to create a zip folder well before your submission deadline. When you have created your zipped folder, before you upload, get someone to check that everything you wanted to be included has been included - you could pass a copy of the zipped folder to them and ask them to expand its contents.


Do not try to upload a large file from home on the deadline day as it may take hours and the deadline may pass before it is finished. If you do find yourself with a need to upload quickly, then try uploading on campus if you can, or if you have a good data plan, tether to your phone. 4G upload speeds can be over 10 times quicker than home broadband.

Submitting an assignment

To upload your work, click on the link to the right of the assignment icon. You will then be presented with the Submission status window, an example is pictured below.

Assignment activity Submission screen

At the top of the page there will be some descriptive text relating to the assignment (file name, format etc). The Submission status area shows whether you have already submitted or not, the Due Date and the Time Remaining until the submission closes.

Click "Add a submission" to be taken to the upload page. Here the next step is to read the Assignment declaration information and tick the submission 'Declaration' checkbox to confirm your submission complies with the university's standards of academic integrity.

This screen also contains useful information regarding the maximum size of a submission, the number of files and at the bottom, the accepted file types.

Question mark iconFile names

Be sure to read the assessment brief carefully as there may be specific requirements on file naming you must adhere to. If you create your own file name be sure to avoid prohibited characters such as colon, semicolon, question mark, asterisk etc or any mathematical symbols. Many of these are reserved characters that can cause difficulties that may lead to your work not being marked.

Next, choose the document you wish to submit, to do this you can drag and drop a file from your device into the drag and drop area. 

An alternative recommend method is to click on the icon of the down arrow within a circle or the file icon to the top-left of the drag and drop area. Either option will open the File picker. From the File picker select "Choose file" to select the file you wish to upload.

Screenshot showing the file picker

You will see a progress bar appear and then the file appear in the file picker window. Note that at this stage you work may have successfully been uploaded but it has not been submitted, you must save the changes to submit your work for grading.

Screenshot of a file that has uploaded showing the option to Save changes or cancel

Once you are happy with your selection click "Save changes". (If at anytime you wish to go back without adding your document click "Cancel").

You will be taken to the Submission status screen, from here you can:

  • Check your submission status
  • View at a glance the file(s) you have submitted
  • Download a copy of your submitted work
  • If Turnitin is enabled for a written piece of work you can also access the similarity report here once it has been processed (usually around 20-30 minutes)

The Assignment feedback and grades will also be shown via this screen upon being graded by module staff.

We recommend you click on the file you have uploaded to download a copy of it to make sure that you have uploaded the correct file and that it can be successfully opened.

Assignment Submission Status dialogue box for making edits to submissions

Editing an assignment

To edit your assignment click the submission link from the module home page to view the Submission status screen again (you'll again see details of the submission status such as the assignment due date and when the submitted file(s) were last modified).

Submission Status dialogue box for editing submissions

To edit your submission select the "Edit submission" button, then click on your uploaded file(s) to open a pop-up window in the web browser.

Pop-up that allows you to download or delete the selected file.

From here you can download or delete your file and update your changes by clicking the "Update" button. You can then upload more files by following the instructions from the 'Submitting an assignment' section in this guide.

Question mark iconDeleting your submission

It is unlikely you will want to do this. BEWARE of doing this by mistake! If you do, it will count as a non-submission.

If you really must do, then here are the steps:

1. Click on "Remove submission", from the Submission status screen

2. Hit "Continue" to confirm

Screenshot showing the confirmation dialogue box

3. Check your submission

The file you uploaded should be gone and the status reverted to how it was before you submitted your work. If you have removed your work and you do not replace it your submission will count as a non-submission because there is/are no file(s) attached.

Screenshot showing the submission status as submitted and no submitted files

Question mark iconFurther Support

For general queries about the Learning Space, students should first contact their module leader or personal tutor. For any other comments or issues within this guide, please contact the Digital Learning Team via dlsupport@falmouth.ac.uk. Alternatively, please refer to the numerous help guides found on our Knowledge Base

View the Accessibility Statement for all of our support guides.